Huffington Post: War Games Killing Whales

Brenda Peterson
Novelist and nature writer

spinner dolphin If the U.S. military conducted their war games in our world’s forests — setting the Appalachian Trail on fire or strafing bucks, bears, and bobcats in Yosemite with armed drones — it would seem like the end of the world. Watching in horror as thousands of ambushed animals stampeded through the woods, blood streaming from ears and eyes, we’d demand the military stop its scorched-earth carnage. We’d set firm environmental laws and limits on where these lethal tests could occur on land; and we’d protect critical wildlife habitat. Why then do we still allow the U.S. Navy to declare worldwide war on our oceans? Why allow sonar tests that will, by the Navy’s own estimates, harm and kill 2.8 million more whales and dolphins?

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